Nyligen tillkännagav ministeriet för bransch- och informationsteknologi 2023-pilotdemonstrationslistan över intelligenta hälsosamma åldringsapplikationer och de tre första partierna 2017-2019 genom granskningslistan för publicitet. Shenzhen Zuowei Technology Co., Ltd. valdes ut som ett demonstrationsföretag av intelligent hälsosamt åldrande.

In 2023, the pilot demonstration of smart health and aging applications will focus on smart health scenarios such as family health management, grassroots health management, health promotion for the elderly, rehabilitation-assisted training, Internet+medical healthcare, etc., and smart aging scenarios such as home-based nursing beds, community day care, in-home nursing home services, elderly canteens, smart nursing homes, and supervision of aging services, as well as Integrerade scenarier som tillhandahåller både smarta hälsovårdstjänster och smarta åldringstjänster (t.ex. kombination av medicinsk vård och omvårdnad) och odlar ett parti demonstrationsföretag som har enastående vetenskapliga och tekniska innovationskapaciteter och mogna affärsmodeller.
Shenzhen Zuowei technology since its inception, has been focusing on intelligent care for the disabled elderly, around the six care needs of the disabled elderly urination and defecation, bathing, eating, getting in and out of bed, walking, dressing and other care needs, has developed a series of intelligent care of urine and feces intelligent care robots, portable intelligent bathing machine, intelligent bathing robots, intelligent walking robots, intelligent walking Roboter, multifunktionell lyftmaskin, intelligenta larmblöjor och andra intelligenta hälsovårdsprodukter, som betjänar tusentals familjer i funktionshindrade.
The selection of the 2023 pilot demonstration public list of intelligent healthy aging applications fully demonstrates the affirmation of the relevant government departments of Shenzhen Zuowei technology's comprehensive strength, intelligent aging scenario application ability, service ability and industry influence in various aspects, is a high degree of recognition of the advanced nature and quality of the products of Zuowei technology, and lays the foundation for the sustainable development of Zuowei technology in the field of Intelligent hälsosamt åldrande, och är också ett erkännande av den demonstrativa statusen för produkterna från Zuowei Technology Senior Care Products i den smarta äldre branschens demonstrationsstatus erkänns.
In the future, Shenzhen Zuowei technology will continue to research and develop and launch high-tech, high-standard, high-standard intelligent healthy aging products and services, apply intelligent aging service products to more aging service scenarios, enhance the sense of well-being, accessibility, and security of more elderly groups in the areas of healthy aging and life experience, and contribute to the high-quality development of the intelligent healthy aging industry.Provide better products and Tjänster för att hjälpa funktionshindrade familjer att lindra verkligheten av "en persons funktionshinder, hela familjens obalans"!
Posttid: dec-22-2023